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From the Blue Dragon to the Hands of Yartar - SKT - Session 16 - Previously our heroes found Zephyros' tower crashed in the wilderness and a bunch of stone creatures were attempting to burn all his notes; among them was a Large Dragon also made of stone but also possessed a regular Dragon's lightning breath. After crumbling all their enemies to rubble the party gathers up as much of their late Cloud Giant friend's notes as they could and put a full day's travel between them and the tower in case any other statue-like minions showed up to finish the job. .
The cast of DnD Comrades.
Paxton spends a good part of the evening using a Language-Comprehension spell to pour over Zephyros' journal and other loose pages. He finds pages of recipes, philosophical musings, and several pages relevant to their previous experience together, along with where he went after he dropped them off in Triboar.
After some deliberation, the group decided the notes don't provide enough new information for them to step away from their quest to find the Giant-Slaying weapon presumably left behind in Yartar by the missing Harthol Zymorven so they continue on, but mean to seek out more answers about this 'Eye of the All-Father' at a later time.
Around midday Paxton's Owl familiar communicates to him, "Don't look up, but there appears to be a dragon circling high above us."
Paxton quietly lets his comrades know of the situation. He casts Mage Armor on himself and Sir Oswald casts Armor of Agathys on himself. Their casting of spells seems to have alerted the dragon of their awareness of them as it begins to dive. Paxton then casts Invisibility on himself.
There's a nearby tor jutting out of the bog nearby that Paxton suggests they all run towards, but they only make it a little ways off the road before realizing that Sir Oswald is staying in place, trying to draw the Dragon's ire to himself.
In a flash of cobalt blue, the Dragon both forcefully and gracefully lands on a nearby boulder still some 60' from them. With its bulk nearly the size of a large covered wagon, it puffs out the yellow plates of its underbelly and cocks its head as it stares down its snout and horn towards the group. In a deep, steady voice it speaks, "Greetings little travelers. Are you lost? From where have you come? To where do you travel?"
Not wanting to divulge too much information Creedun only mentions they're traveling to Yartar and they didn't mean to trespass on the Dragon's territory.
"I'm only here to talk, let's drop the spells and magic in the name of diplomacy; I know there's a 5th member of your group skulking around somewhere. Now, normally I'd demand some tribute for such a trespass," the Young Blue Dragon continues, "but today I'm interested only in information. Just last night I passed the strangest thing - what looked like a tower... that had fallen from the sky... just off the road? You wouldn't have happened to have noticed that too would have, traveling past there towards Yartar as you say."
Creedun asks the Dragon if they can just be on their way and that they mean no harm or disrespect. Sir Oswald musters as much Charisma as he can (which is quite a lot) and says they'd be willing to trade information for information). He asks the Blue Dragon what he found in the tower, what he thought of it, and why he wants to know more?
"I found a dead Giant in the tower, I found it rather odd, and it is my business to know what happens in my territory." The Dragon adds with a thin veil of forced patience, "I'm normally not so generous but you amuse me human; I've now answered 3 of your questions and you none of mine. What do you know of the tower?"
Otto chimes in saying the Cloud Giant Zephyros had been their friend once and he believes he'd been trying to get a message through to them.
The Dragon grins a cruel smile, "As I suspected. I will add you to the collection of the Queen of Statues - the Gathering Storm!" as it pumps its mighty wings to take flight.
Roll Initiative!
Creedun conjures two Giant Eagles which Grapple the Dragon before it takes off.
This is obviously a cunning foe as it completely ignores the beasts and unleashes a torrent of deadly lightning into the Dwarven Bard, shocking him so badly that it's impossible to maintain concentration. As the Eagles poof into nothingness, the Dragon flies up 40' above the ground and begins circling the group.
Otto is struggling to hit the dragon at this range with his Hand Crossbow and uses his new martial training to stow his shield and attack with his Shortbow at the same time.
Paxton appears next to Sir Oswald, and laying a hand on him casts a spell allowing the heavily armored Knight to fly!
Sir Oswald streaks towards the Dragon and positions himself above it, striking mightily into the Dragon's back twice.
Ransom makes a Spiritual Weapon appear next to Dragon to slash at him, while Creedun resummons his Giant Eagles, though this time the Dragon fends off their grapple.
The Blue Dragon mauls Sir Oswald several times then tries to fly away, knowing that even if the Eagle can keep up, the Knight can't. He's betting that his scales can fend off their attacks and is partly correct, both eagles fail to land even a scratch. Sir Oswald with a lucky swing strikes a critical weak spot behind the Dragon's shoulder and adds a charged-up Smite into the fleeing Dragon
Paxton takes advantage of the Dragon having left the cluster of his allies and centers a Fireball on the Dragon. As the dragon flies out of the bursting flame it is singed and starting to look quite hurt.
The resummoned Giant Eagles catch up and both successfully grapple the Dragon as the 3 of them tumble to the ground, WHAM! Still thrashing on the ground the Dragon bites and claws the injured Eagles, causing both of them to poof from existence.
The Dragon takes an expert shot from Otto's Short Bow and not only looks very hurt, but for the first time shows actual fear itself. It moves to retreat, but instead of flying away it begins to burrow into the soft boggy soil. The group only sees it burrow in 10' and then loose sight of it in the dark tunnel.
Paxton throws a fireball right at the opening of the tunnel, hoping the edges of the flaming blast will catch the Dragon. He hears no sound as to whether it hit or missed.
Even running at top speed Otto isn't quick enough to reach the hole before the Dragon can burrow further in and the tunnel turns at such an angle the Gnome can't blind-fire in. Then he remembers that he has one more "Ka-boomer" left from the merchant cart they encountered south of Calling Horns. He lights the fuse and tosses it into the tunnel. 4 seconds later KABOOM!!! followed by a screeching roar of pain.
Sir Oswald flies down into the tunnel with no hesitation in hopes to finish off the Dragon but emerges a couple seconds later saying, "It's dead." The Kaboomer had blown open the side of its face as smoke poured up and viscera dripped down from its eye.
The group tries harvesting some scales and teeth, but damages their trophies in the process. Sir Oswald opens the Dragon's belly to find a couple human skulls and bones, along with a partially digested dagger. He also insists on spending more time to try to acquire the Dragon's snout horn. Paxton puts his Secure Hut spell over the tunnel while he works because spending several hours exposed in the wilderness doesn't seem like a safe plan.
The rest of the day and a half journey to Yartar is uneventful and everyone arrives fully rested.
They find a contingency of guards inspecting everyone who arrives to the city's outer gate. They make their way inside and get food recommendations from a cheery local man.
They're directed to the man's favorite joint - a "dive" dinner on the edge of the "bad part of town - called Karletta's Table.
There they find a one story flat-roofed building hemmed in by larger buildings that appear to have 3rd-story additions built atop older structures. Karletta's Table has crates stacked up outside that several young street kids are using to play and climb on, some have even climbed up onto the roof and are playing up there, another youngster in dirty clothes runs out from behind the diner with a fist-full of bread.
The group walks through the swinging saloon-style doors and gets their bearings in the dim light inside. Most of the booths have privacy walls, but they see a few folk who look down on their luck, a few more working class people, and a couple women arm-wrestling.
Behind the bar is a window looking into the kitchen where clanging pots and pans and sizzling can be heard. A half-elf with dark blue dyed hair cropped short on one side, wearing leather armor with an apron over it comes into view yelling at some staff around the corner, "You don't have that ready yet? By the gods, what am I paying you for, eh?" She notices the party standing in the dinning area and immediately switches her demeaner to a sweet and welcoming smile. "Hey sorry nobody was there to welcome you, feel free to seat yourselves! Someone will be with you in a moment :) " She returns into the part of the kitchen out of view and continues commanding the kitchen staff in an authoritative tone.
Creedun suggests they sit where he can watch the women arm-wrestle and after a few rounds he approaches them with Otto and asks if he can challenge one of them for a round of drinks. There's some brief chit-chat and the women seem fond of taunting Creedun and Otto, mostly in good fun. They tell the adventurers that they work the docks in the fishing industry. Otto mentions that he's a fisher as well and that's how he lost his eye.
One of the women cranks her shoulder a bit as though it's stiff and says to the other, "What do you think Sally? You wanna take 'im?"
Sally, "Are you gunna need some books to sit on, guy?" alluding to the Dwarf's stoutness. "How 'bout instead a drinks though we wrestle for the story of your friend's lost eye. I win against short an stout 'ere - you tell us your tale, little guy?" Otto agrees.
After a particularly close match Sally pins Creedun and Otto launches into a captivating tale from his youth when their boats' nets caught a Kraken, and how he had to climb into the nets to free the beast. In the process he slipped and severed the end off one of the Kraken's tentacles, fell back into the boat and the knife "poked him in the eye."
There is a long pause. Eventually Sally says, "Pffffft, I call bullsh!t There's no way that was a Kraken. That's a mythical beast; even if one does exist there's been no claims of seeing one in a hundred years at least. Plus, it would have dragged your ship to the bottom before you had a chance to free it."
Otto insists he's not lying.
Sally adds, "look, I'm sure you were entangled with something big and tentacle-y, maybe a Giant Octopus, maybe a newborn Kraken, but if that were a real one you'd be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean right now."
There's a little more benign chit-chat. Otto refers to the women as "madams" which they get a hoot out of. Then he uses his Thieves Cant to see if there's more to them than meets the eye and mentions being "a part of their guild" and "wondering if they could help him."
The women look at each other and Sally says, "Let's step outside for a chat little guy. Just us and and you; your friends can stay in here and order their meal." Otto assures his party that it'll be fine. Paxton keeps watch on the situation with his Owl Familiar waiting outside.
Sally calls to the kitchen, "Hey Karletta could we get some more bread" and they're given a basket of bread as they walk with Otto out a back door.
Outside Sally laughs and says he must be new in town and there's no way he's part of their guild. They ask what he wants and he mentions he's looking for someone. Sally scoffs, saying they don't point strangers to members of their guild. He explains - still in somewhat vague terms - he's looking for a Noble's son who's gone missing. He offers them 50gp if they can help. Sally leans to the other woman and whispers something.
Paxton, listening through his Owl's senses hears her ask her friend, "Do you think he's talking about Mel?"
Sally tells Otto to go back inside with his friends and they'll be back with their friend who can tell him more. Neither Otto nor Paxton (through his Familiar) can discern any fowl-play or malice so they wait.
In the meantime Karletta had come by to take the group's order and comments about how quiet Paxton is and asks why he's sitting upright with his eyes closed. Creedun tells her his friend is just really tired and asks for a bib to put on the wizard.
Otto comes back in just as Ransom is pinning Creedun in their own arm-wrestling match.
Paxton has his owl follow the two women. One sets the basket of bread down on a nearby crate but the owl follows them to a warehouse where they disappear inside for several minutes. When they reemerge they're accompanied by a young woman and an older halfling woman; they all head back towards the diner. Paxton tells his owl to check out the bread basket, but when he gets there there are barely even crumbs.
The four women reenter Karletta's Table. Without pause the Halfling woman jumps up onto the bench, eye-level with Ransom and the others "I hear you want to ask my friend Mel some questions. I'm just here to make sure it goes smoothly, okay?"
Mel pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the booth. Between asking questions to Mel and the Halfling, they learn:

Next time - All Aboard the Grand Dame!
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Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

Casino Superlines Exclusive Bonus
Register at Casino Superlines and claim 25 no deposit free spins! Exclusive promotional code: FSG25. In addition, get up to €1800 and 175 free spins in welcome bonus. Enjoy fast payments and instant support 24/7! Bitcoin accepted!
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If you are looking for a reliable casino site that offers instant gaming and a plethora of video slots and other online games, then don't look any further than Casino Superlines. It provides games from leading software suppliers like NextGen Gaming, NetEnt, Lightning Box and other software giants in the iGaming industry.
The casino was founded in early 2017 by the same team who brought us OrientXpress. The website is stylish yet simple in design with several features like solid customer support, BitCoin payment system and many others. The home currency is Euro and the casino is ideal for players residing in the European Union.
The casino website is available in 10 different languages like for example English, German, French, Spanish etc. The official website is available in a black, white and orange palette with simple navigation and an eye-catching design. For now, the casino does not have any significant complaints and enjoys an excellent reputation in the gambling industry.
Superliners Casino is owned by Equinox Dynamic N.V. and is licensed by the Curacao Government. If you are looking forward to gaining useful information about the games, features, customer support etc., you are at the best place. Here we offer a comprehensive Superlines Casino Review where you get all the details.
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Superlines Casino Video Review

Welcome Bonus

The casino operator is known for offering a generous bonus and special promotions to all the newly registered players as well as the existing customers. If you are a new player, you can avail a Welcome Bonus of 400% up to €1000 on your first deposit. It means that if you have deposited €100 in your casino account, you can play with €500. On your 2nd and 3rd deposit, you can avail a bonus of 100% and 200% respectively.
All the bonuses are limited to one person, one computer and one banking detail. There is no exclusive bonus available and to claim the bonus, you must have a minimum deposit of €20 in your casino account. You will automatically receive the bonus amount in the welcome package on the first three deposits. You must use the registration code BBC avail all these bonus offers.
On the whole, the bonus terms and conditions are fair and reasonable. The welcome bonus is subject to 45 times wagering requirement before you can request a withdrawal. You must know that different games contribute a different percentage for the bonus wagering requirement ranging from 90-100 percent.
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Other Promotions

Not only does Superlines Casino offer a great welcome bonus, but there are also some weekly promotions you can take advantage. Like for instance, you can enjoy 100% bonus money on all deposits every Friday between 02.00 and 08.00 GMT. It is known as Happy Hour which is available once a week.
There is another nice promotion available called Payment Method Bonus where you can collect 15% extra money on your Welcome Bonus on selected payment methods. If you are a high roller, you can take advantage of the High Roller Welcome Bonus. You need to contact the customer care staff for more information.

VIP Program

Superlines Casinos offer VIP Program where you can reap more benefits as a loyal member. The more you play, better your rewards will be. As a player, you will start with the Bronze tier where you will get features like Welcome Package, Loyalty Promotions and Cash Points for every €10,000 you wager.
After that, you go into Silver, Gold and Platinum Tier where you will be eligible for more cash points and higher benefits like a dedicated account manager and monthly cashbacks. As a Platinum Member, you will be eligible for a Monthly Prize Draw. You don’t have to wager on the cashpoints.
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Casino Superlines Game Offer

At Superlines Casino, the assortment of table games is quite diverse. If you enjoy playing Roulette, you can check out some of the popular variants like Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and Zero Spin Roulette.
If you are a fan of Blackjack, don’t forget to check out variants like Blackjack Switch and Blackjack Surrender. The casino operator also features video poker games like Magic Poker, Poker Dice, Poker Three, Casino Hold’em and Caribbean Poker.
As a player, you can enjoy a plethora of online slots powered by several software vendors in the iGaming industry. Some of the widely played game titles are Guns N’ Roses Slot, Wild Torso Slot, Viking Fire Slot and Gonzo’s Quest Slot.
At the moment, around 100 games are featured on the casino website. Since it is a new operator, you can expect the numbers to double shortly. All the slot games are known for its stunning graphics and fantastic sound quality. You can change the language of the slot games at any point in time.
All the casino games features at the Superlines Casino incorporates RNG or Random Number Generator. Hence fairness and randomness for the casino games are completely guaranteed. The casino operator is known for the most unpredictable RNG online due to extensive audits by game testing agencies.

Live Casino

Superlines Casino is also home to some of the best live games in the iGaming industry. If you are a Roulette aficionado, you can master the wheel with variants like European Roulette, GIB Roulette and Sizzling Hot Roulette. Also, if you love Blackjack and Baccarat, you can find several game variants suited to you taste while playing against the live dealers.
Superlines Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao which means that you get access to the highest level of features in the iGaming industry. All the casino games are powered by reputed software giants like NetEnt, Elk Studio, NextGen Gaming, 1×2 Gaming among others.
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The website of Superlines Casinos is clutter free with everything clear and within the view. The appealing colour palette with a sophisticated and stylized design creates an immediate impact on all customers. Here, you can find a plethora of games where you can either download it on your mobile via app or play it directly on the web browser. The casino tested by independent game testing agencies like TST and eCOGRA where all the games are free from malware.
The games can be downloaded on all popular smartphone models of iOS and Android. At the same time, the games are compatible with all the modern browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. You can play the games on your smartphones or mobile devices even when you are travelling from any place in the world. You need to download the app on your device and get immediate access to a wide range of games offered by Superlines Casino.
When it comes to fairness, transparency and trust, you can entirely rely on Superlines Casino as the operator is fully committed to providing a fair gaming standard. The game software is meticulously maintained and tested by the gaming agencies from time to time with the highest industry standards.

Payment and Withdrawals at Superlines Casino

When it comes to banking options, you can rest assured that your valuable money and user credentials are safe with the casino operator. For making deposits, you can opt for various payment methods like payment cards, Zimpler, Trustly, GiroPay, Poli, Visa, Visa Electron, Paysafecard, MasterCard, Maestro and EcoPayz.
When it comes to withdrawals, the options are a little bit limited as you have to opt for services from Skrill, Wire Transfer, Visa, Visa Electron, Neteller, MasterCard and Maestro. All the payment method comes with fees and charges for processing the transaction. You must choose a payment method that does not charge a lot of money and settles your online transaction in the minimum possible time.
All the winning payouts are processed by the casino operator immediately, and you can expect the money to arrive in your bank account without any delay. Before processing the withdrawal request, you must submit a photo ID and utility bill.
The photo ID can be a valid National ID Card, Driving License or Passport. The utility bill can be either phone or electricity bill with your name and address mentioned. The bill should not be more than six months old.
If the documents are not received within five working days, the withdrawal request is declined, and the money is returned to the casino account. Superlines Casino verifies all the requested documents within 1-2 business days. For fast winning payouts, you are recommended to send an email to the customer support team with scanned copies of the documents mentioned above.
The minimum withdrawal amount is €100 per withdrawal with a maximum of €5000 in a given month. Any requests above these limits are automatically declined, and the funds are automatically returned to your casino balance.
All withdrawal requests are processed in 1-3 days after document verification. Once it is processed, you will receive the money based on different banking methods like:
  • Payment Card: 1 business day
  • Neteller: 1 business day
  • Skrill: 1 business day
  • Qiwi: 1 business day
  • EcoPayz: 1 business day
  • Wire Transfer: 5 business day
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Casino Superlines Customer Support

Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

Restricted Countries

Due to some legal and gambling restrictions, players residing in Afghanistan, Algeria, Albania, Angola, Cambodia, Guyana, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Iran, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Myanmar, Lao, North Korea, Nicaragua, Namibia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zimbabwe and Yemen are prohibited to register and play at Superlines Casino.
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Reliability and Security

The Superliners Casino implements 128 bit SSL or Secure Socket Layer technology to keep the transaction details of all the players safe and secure. At the same time, this sophisticated encryption technology eliminates all risks associated with online banking. The online gaming system is managed to highly professional standards to deliver secure service for all players.
Superlines Casino maintains full confidentiality over all information of players, and it is not shared outside the organisation. Upon registration, you are given a personal account holder and choose a proper username and password. It is your responsibility for keeping the information safe from any unauthorised access.
Complete privacy is provided to players while making online banking transactions for deposits and withdrawals. Authentic checks are carried out from time to time so that your personal and confidential details like bank account number, email address and contact number are not compromised.
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If you are searching for an ultimate online casino experience, it does not get anything better than Superlines Casino. It maintains an incredible real casino environment with staff members working round the clock to offer an immersive gaming experience to players. The casino uses some of the best gaming providers in the market for top quality games like online slots, table games, video poker etc.
All the casino games are available for free play where you get to understand the game before you start playing for real money. At the same time, the casino is licensed and regulated by Curacao which means that all games are fair and random.
Superlines Casino receives a big THUMBS UP from our team members at Top10-CasinoSites.Net, and we recommend this operator for all the newbie as well as experienced gamblers. We highly recommend checking out the list of restricted countries from the list above before playing. If you are eligible, you must register and start playing your favourite games either free or as a real money player.
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Rush Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Rush Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Rush Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Create your gaming account at Rush Casino and receive free spins without deposit! Besides, get up to 900 EUR or 1600 USD as a welcome bonus. The casino offers the best slots, live games and jackpots! It's fully licensed (MGA) and offers 24./7 withdrawals! Give it a try, bet, spin or whirl!
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At Rush Casino, launched in January 2021, a large range of casino is provided. At the moment, the game portfolio includes titles from 6 popular game providers, that offer a total sum of more than 1.000 top games. There might be a varying amount of games provided to you, depending on the country that you live in. The Malta Gaming Authority watches over fairness and security of Rush Casino. Alongside English, the casino gives the option to switch the site’s language to 3 further options (i.e. Finnish or German). Continue reading our Rush Casino review for more info on the casino.

Rush Casino Games

The Rush Casino games selection offers a large number of games to content players of different experience levels. Popular software studios like Big Time Gaming, Play’n GO and Microgaming are accessible just like the best slots created by further well-established names. You are able to test out video slots & classic slots. Among the most popular slot games at Rush Casino are Who wants to be a Millionaire created by Big Time Gaming, TNT Tumble from Relax Gaming as well as Book of Oz developed by Microgaming.
If you would like to test out table games, the games selection also includes casino war, poker, american roulette, baccarat as well as french roulette. However, that’s not all – Players also have the opportunity to try out scratch cards, keno and wheel games. Do, however, not forget that the availability of games may be different for your location.
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Rush Casino Payments

At Rush Casino, you have the possibility to make use of 4 payment methods to make a deposit. Paying in using e-wallets is not allowed, instead, you have the chance to make use of credit cards like MasterCard or Visa. On top of that, prepaid payments cannot be selected, but you have the possibility to deposit with bank transfer payments like Trustly. Depending on your residence the exact range of deposit and withdrawal options can vary. Good to know: There may be deposit limitations per the given payment method. You can contact customer support or view the Rush Casino deposit limits in the payment section.
Rush Casino offers 4 withdrawal methods. The casino provides you with withdrawal options like MasterCard, Visa and Trustly. At Rush Casino, players can carry out an unlimited amount of free withdrawals. Hence, regardless of the number of your initiated withdrawals, no withdrawal fees are charged by the casino. Every payout that you initiate is checked manually by Rush Casino. It should be noted that the casino also transacts payouts on the weekend.

Registration and Verification

The registration process at Rush Casino is uncomplicated. Initially, you are required to fill in some personal details into the registration form. When you added all personal information to the Rush Casino registration form, a validation of your account is essential. Therefore, casinos often provide a confirmation link via email that players must click on. Finalizing the confirmation enables you to begin playing.
Before transacting your first payout, you will need to undergo account verification. To this end, providing a scan of an official document (driving license, id card or passport) is necessary. Additionally, a confirmation of your residence, which can be fulfilled by uploading a receipt (bank statement, gas bill or electricity bill) or a bank document (credit card photo, e-wallet photo or bank account screenshot), is needed. When uploading a provider receipt, check if it was issued less than 90 days ago. The aforementioned documents for the verification have to be provided to Rush Casino via an upload through your account.
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Security and Support

Contacting the Rush Casino customer support is possible in several ways. You can send an email to the customer support ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) as an example. Normally, the reply of the support staff should be in your inbox within a short time period after your request. the Rush Casino live chat is available directly on the casino website. During our tests the customer support staff always provided quick and helpful responses. Moreover, common questions are covered in the that the casino offers.
In order to keep their licenses, casinos must be fair and provide the highest levels of safety. Coding the site with SSL128 is one of the safety procedures that Rush Casino implements. The reliability is tested on a regular basis by the Malta Gaming Authority, who is the according regulatory commission in this case.
At Rush Casino responsible gaming is brought forward through player protection measures. The options give you the option to:
  • Define a turnover limit
  • Cap your losses
  • Limit your sessions
Additionally, in case of a problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Rush Casino is referring to.

Rush Casino Bonus

New customers have the chance to activate the Rush Casino deposit offer. You can profit from up to €500 additional money if you utilize the 100% bonus. 100 Free Spins are another component of the offer. €20 is the least required amount, that you can pay in using payment methods like MasterCard, Trustly or Visa. A transaction of €500 will activate the maximal bonus. Then you can profit from a total amount of €1,000 to play with. You are not required to key in a bonus code.
As the credit process of the bonus takes place automatically, it should not last long until the bonus is credited to your account. Cancellation of the bonus is possible if you decide not to utilize it. Using your bonus funds is permitted once you have used your cash funds. Making use of your bonus funds is permitted for slots from Gamomat, Relax Gaming and Microgaming, as well as other well-known game providers in the present selection. At Rush Casino, the use of multiple new customer bonus simultaneously is not possible.
The bonus and your deposit have to be wagered 50 times in order to cash out any winnings. Additionally, fulfilling the wagering criteria of 10 times, that apply to any winnings from the Free Spins, must be completed. If you request a withdrawal prior to meeting the turnover conditions it will lead to the termination of the bonus. Exceeding the time limit without finishing the conditions will mean that you will forfeit your bonus and your winnings. The money that you payed in, of course, will not expire.
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In sum, Rush Casino provides an entertaining gaming experience for newcomers as well as skilled players. As the games section offers games from 6 popular gaming studios, the game variation can be described as average. The variety of withdrawals and deposits could be slightly broader, but some common options are provided. Furthermore, rewarding offers can be claimed by every player. So, create an account at Rush Casino now to convince yourself!
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GoodWin Casino 20 free spins + 100% cahsback + 200% welcome bonus

GoodWin Casino Gratis Spins & Free Bonus
GoodWin Casino offers 20 Free Spins on registration! Just click on the link below, fill in the sign-up form and verify your mobile. That's it! Additionally, you will get access to a fantastic welcome bonus pack with 100% Cashback and a 200% Match Bonus. No Bonus Code Needed!
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GoodWin Casino Review

If you’re a fan of the Wizard of Oz, or just like great online gaming sites, you won’t want to miss our GoodWin Casino review.
At GoodWin Casino you can follow the yellow brick road on an adventure that’s full of exciting experiences and rewards. Your journey starts with a choice of themed welcome packages, which you can use to spin hundreds of great slots.
Playing these games will earn you GW points. You can use these to buy bonuses from the GoodWin shop and the more points you collect, the further you’ll progress through the casino’s eight VIP levels.
Bright and colorful desktop and mobile sites compliment this exciting journey, and you’ll have access to 24/7 support on any device. Start your adventure today by signing-up and funding your account via a variety of popular payment methods.
Continue reading our review of GoodWin Casino to find out how to claim one of three new player welcome packages, recommended slots to play, and lots of other exciting information.
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Enjoy a Warm Welcome to Oz

GoodWin Casino offers new players a choice of three Wizard of Oz-themed welcome bonuses. The Woodman, Lion, and Scarecrow packages each offer a combination of a first deposit bonus and a number of free spins, depending on your budget size.
Our GoodWin Casino review team found that these bonuses cater to all different types of players, and give you a great reason to start your journey down the yellow brick road.

Earn GoodWin Points

GW points are awarded when you reach a qualifying number of bets. You can save your points up and exchange them for a variety of Wizard of Oz-themed rewards in the GoodWin shop, such as bonus cash, deposit bonuses, and free spins.
Your loyalty points will also help you upgrade to eight different levels of VIP rewards. You’ll accrue GW points quicker at each new level and earn increasing amounts of cashback. This is just one of the many perks of being a regular player at GoodWin Casino. Our review experts also recommend you check out a great range of tournaments, which can be entered daily, weekly and monthly.
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Spin Over 2,000 Slots at GoodWin Casino

Our review of GoodWin Casino revealed that the casino boasts a massive selection of over 2,000 slots, all provided by top software providers. The ‘Popular’ section is a great place to start, as here you’ll find well-loved slots such as Spinfinity Man by Betsoft and The Smashing Biscuit by Microgaming. You’ll find Arcane Reel Chaos by NetEnt here too, an action-packed slot with re-spins, overlay wilds, and multipliers.
GoodWin Casino also boasts modern classics such as Starburst, alongside unsung gems like Zeus the Thunderer II by MrSlotty. It’s the perfect place to play both chartbuster and indie games.
If you prefer cards to slots, you’ll be more than impressed with GoodWin Casino. During our review, we discovered that you can enjoy over 100 video tables games and 25 live casino titles, including live dealer roulette, blackjack, and baccarat.

Experience the Magic on Mobile

You don’t have to be on the yellow brick road to play your favorite slots at this online gaming site. GoodWin Casino has a mobile platform that comes optimized for Android and iOS, allowing you to take advantage of the casino’s great promotions and rewards wherever you are. You can also access live chat support and make deposits and withdrawals on-the-go. All of this left our GoodWin Casino review experts feeling sure that this is a great site for mobile gamers.
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Support is Always on Hand at GoodWin Casino

Dorothy wouldn’t have got into any trouble in the land of Oz if she’d had the GoodWin Casino customer support team to assist her. Available 24/7, you can contact the casino via live chat, email, or phone. Our GoodWin Casino review team tested the live chat function and we’re happy to report that they received a warm and quick response.

How to Fund Your GoodWin Casino Account

At GoodWin Casino, you can deposit via a selection of popular payment methods, including credit and debit cards, and various e-wallet services. Depending on your location, you may also be to fund your account instantly with Beeline, Megafon, or other local services.
Our GoodWin Casino review revealed that the site has no minimum withdrawal limit and you can withdraw up to a maximum of $20,000 a month, or currency equivalent. All cash-out requests are processed within 24 hours.
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Discover a Fantasy World Full of Great Games

Our GoodWin Casino review team has already set off to see the wizard and they’re convinced you’ll want to join them. From the welcome package you can claim as a new player, to loyalty perks and tournaments, you’ll always feel valued and rewarded at this casino site.
Funding your GoodWin Casino account is also straightforward, and the site’s 24/7 customer support means that help is always at hand should you need it.
Sign up to GoodWin Casino today to enter a world full of hundreds of great games and fantastic loyalty rewards.
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Fruits 4 Real Casino 100 gratis spins and €375 free bonus code

Fruits 4 Real Casino 100 gratis spins and €375 free bonus code

Fruits 4 Real Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Here comes Fruits 4 Real Casino with a no deposit bonus! Register now and collect 100 gratis spins on classic slot machines! Next, claim a €375 welcome bonus, with a first deposit offer of 125% up to €125. No download required! Mobile play is OK. Fast pay and play, 24/7!
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Overview

Fruits 4 Real Casino came into existence in the year 2013 and ever since it's inception, this online casino has been rendering players with a real fruity gaming adventure which includes the following four ingredients – 1) More casino games 2) 100% Fair and Responsible Gaming 3) At least 1 Bonus and/or Free Spins Offer every week 4) Easy, secure and fast deposits & withdrawals. Yep, you guessed it right! The reason behind '4' in the name of the brand is these 4 juicy ingredients only.
The pacing competition in the industry keeps online casinos on their toes and to sustain this fiery competition, Fruits4Real Casino offers games not just from one, two or three software technologies, but around 10 software developers render their entertaining content to form a gaming library that is invincible. Featuring a diverse collection of Slot games, this online casino is the best site for all the Slot enthusiasts out there without a doubt! To further boost your gaming experience, this casino offers at least one new lucrative bonus and/or free spins offer every week. For starters, every new player gets to enjoy Free Spins and Match Bonuses.
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Safety, Security and Fair Gaming

In ordinance with the Government of Curacao, Fruits4Real Casino guarantees a 100% safe and fair gaming environment. When it comes to the fairness of gaming, all the outcomes of the games are derived on the latest RNG (Random Number Generator) technology which guarantees that none of the outcomes are rigged.
In addition, Fruits 4 Real Casino is encrypted with cutting-edge SSL technology, which ensures that all the data exchanges happening over the site are in safe hands. No unauthorized personnel gets access to any of your private details. Thus, safety and security which is one of the most significant concerns of online players is taken care of quite well by Fruits4Real Casino.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Mobile Casino

Fruits 4 Real Casino makes sure that all the players of this casino site are able to enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience. Thus it has made its casino site available on all devices. This means you can enjoy you can playing at this casino anywhere and whenever you want as it is compatible with all the Android, iOS devices, and iPhones. Further, to be able to here, you don't have to go through any hassles of downloading and installing any app or software. To enjoy playing at Fruits 4 Real Casino, all that you have to do is visit this casino site using any browser like Google Chrome, internet explorer or safari and you will be all set to enjoy playing your favorite games at this online casino.
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Fruits 4 Real Live Casino

Fruits 4 Real Casino doesn't offer the services of live dealers as of now but the pace with which this online casino is flourishing, you can soon expect an exclusive live casino wherein you can unfold the thrill of real gaming from the comfort of your home. With the launch of Fruits4Real Live Casino, you can expect all your favourite games like Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat and Live Poker.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Software

Fruits 4 Real Casino is powered by some of the top-notch software brands of the online gaming world. Thanks to these, this casino provides a holistic gaming experience to the players which include high-quality games, audio-visual effects and a user-friendly interface. Further, it also has more than 400 games in its gaming library which are going to add loads of fun to the gaming experience of the players who sign up here. The software brands that have worked together to make the gaming experience at this casino flawless are:
  • Amatic
  • Betsoft gaming
  • Endorphina
  • Gamomat
  • Imagina
  • Leander
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Stakelogic
  • Wazdan
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Games

The gaming library of Fruits 4 Real casino presents a terrific collection of games from some of the leading software brands like Amatic gaming, Endorphina, Betsoft Gaming and others. These brands together have adorned the gaming section of this casino with more than 400 games with top-notch quality. To make it easier for you to find the game that you are looking for, the games that it provides have been divided into different categories. Read below to find out more about these.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Slots Games

All the players who love playing slot games are definitely going to fall in love with this casino site as it provides around 300 slot games for them. Thus you can rest assured you are never going to get bored once you start playing at this casino. Furthermore, the slot games have been divided into two categories viz Video Slots and Fruits Slots. The Video slots include 300 online slot games like Gladiators, Slots Angels, King of the jungle and others. While the fruit slots that are available include 84 games like Fruit Zen, Bars and 7's, Fruit Mania and Hot Shots.
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Jackpot Games at Fruits 4 Real Casino

The list of games that are available at this casino site are not just limited to these, you can also enjoy some jackpot games to try out your luck at this casino. You can choose among 40 jackpots games all of which have the potential to generate life-changing wins. So, if you are looking for some thrilling jackpot games, you are at the right casino. Log in to your account and navigate to the “jackpots” section to find the jackpot game that you would like to play. Some of these games include Mr. Vegas, Trick or Treat, Diamonds, Aztar Fortune, Pharaoh Riches golden nights, and others.

Table Games at Fruits 4 Real Casino

If you are the one who likes the magic of cards and would love to play card games, don't worry, Fruits4Real casino has enough games in its bucket for you too. This casino has a large number of card games which include both poker and table games making its gaming collection truly diverse. The poker games that you play here include Poker 3, Rid'em Poker, Pontoon and other while the table games include Black Jack, Roulette, Baccarat and Red Dog. This casino site also has some of the electrifying variants of these games which are definitely going to add to the fun that you have while playing at this casino site.
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Fruits 4 Real Casino Welcome Bonus

All the new players of Fruits 4 Real Casino get to enjoy an exhaustive welcome bonus when they sign up for an account. Register at this casino site and you will be showered with a generous match deposit bonus and Free Spins not just on your first deposit but all the first three deposits that you make. If you want to know more about the winnings that you can scoop out with this amazing bonus, check out the table given below to find out what this casino has for you to offer.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Casino New Player Bonus & Free Spins

  • First Deposit Bonus 125% match deposit bonus up to €125 + 60 Free Spins
  • Second Deposit Bonus 50% bonus up to €125 + 20 Free Spins
  • Third Deposit Bonus 50% match bonus up to €125 + 20 Free Spins

Monthly Reload Bonus at Fruits 4 Real Casino

Every month is going, to begin with a bombastic start for the players of this online casino as it is going to bring an astonishing bonus for you. The players will get 50 Spins on their first deposit of the month. And, the best part is that you just need to make a minimum deposit of €50 to unlock this humongous bonus. No promo code required, just sign in every month to enjoy your share of free spins. Indeed, a good way to start the month. Isn't it?

Free Spins & Match Deposit Bonuses at Fruits 4 Real Casino

Keep playing online for real money at this casino and you are never going to run out of chances to win. Are you wondering how is that possible? Fruits 4 Real Casino not only offers an amazing collection of casino games so that players can enjoy their favorite games but it also gives a number of bonuses to the players. These bonuses are given either in the form of Free Spins, match deposit bonuses, or as cashback offers. All you have to do is keep a check on the promotions section in your account to make sure you don't miss out on these impressive offers.

Fruits 4 Real Casino No Deposit Bonus

Along with the terrific bonus that can only be unlocked on making a deposit, this casino site also offers a number of no deposit bonuses to the players. These no deposit promo codes and bonuses are given occasionally to the players and can be checked in the promotions section in your account. So if you want to make sure you don't end up missing these amazing offers, just go to the promotions section in your account and let the fun begin.
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GreenSpin Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

GreenSpin Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

GreenSpin Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Claim 20 free spins no deposit bonus to GreenSpin Casino! Register your account via the promo link and play games for free. Additionally, you are entitled to a high-roller welcome bonus with $5000 free credits and 300 free spins up for grabs!!!
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About GreenSpin Casino (Review)

GreenSpin Casino has more than 1,500 first-rate casino games, as well as tons of bonus offers and a gift shop. This Bitcoin website cares about its users, and it is apparent in many aspects, from its responsive customer support team to frequent incentives. Along with numerous good reviews from gamblers, it all makes us want to learn more about this gambling platform.

GreenSpin Casino Bonuses

The list of promotions found in Bitcoin GreenSpin Casino does a great job in holding a visitor’s attention and making them interested in some fantastic offers. The abundance of large green letters tells you one thing for certain: this website with cryptocurrency casino games has many generous bonuses.
The current list of bonus offers is as follows: • Deposit bonuses up to €5,000 / 0.3 BTC + 300 free spins • No deposit bonus: 10 free spins for the correct guess of the next Game of the Week • Up to 200 FS in the current Game of the Week when making a deposit • 100% bonus up to €300 / 0.003 BTC when making deposits on Mondays • Up to 100% bonus + 100 FS when making deposits on Fridays • Cash, cashback, free spins, and other loyalty program bonuses
The welcome bonuses are given out for the first three deposits and are divided into three tiers according to the intended amount of the deposit. There is a separate bonus code for each tier: OPTIMUMx, PREMIUMx, or HIGHROLLERx, where ‘x’ is the number of your deposit in this casino (i.e. you need to enter OPTIMUM1, PREMIUM1, or HIGHROLLER1 when making the first deposit).
Each promo code from Bitcoin casino Greenspin implies some limits in terms of how much money you should deposit and what kind of bonus you are going to receive. For instance, you can get a 50% bonus up to €1,500 using the promo code HIGHROLLER2, but in order to be eligible for that, you would need to top up your balance with at least €750.
You can learn more details about bonuses and promo codes in the “Green Offers” section of GreenSpin Casino.
The Slot Battle allows you to get as many as two bonuses. If you make a correct prediction when choosing one of the three games eligible to be the next Game of the Week, Greenspin Casino will award you with 10 free spins as a no deposit bonus. On Saturday, you will be able to get up to 200 free spins in this slot game on a deposit of €25 or more.
Each Monday and Friday offers additional bonuses in Bitcoin casino games. On Mondays, deposits starting from €101 / 0.003 BTC will bring up to €300 in bonus money while the promo code GREENFRIDAY makes it possible to get up to €150 / 0.015 BTC each Friday.
If you play Greenspin casino games using real money, the website will award you green points for each $100 you wager. These points can be later spent on purchasing all sorts of goodies in the gift shop: free spins, cash, Amazon gift cards, and even Bulgari rings.
There is another type of point called Sports Points. They allow you to get new tiers and bonuses as part of the Greenspin loyalty program.
Apart from all that, it makes sense for gamblers to check out the official media channels of cryptocurrency casino on Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch. From time to time, you can stumble on gifts for new gamblers there, which may include bonus codes, giveaways, and so on.
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GreenSpin Casino Deposits and withdrawals

GreenSpin Casino accepts deposits in nine fiats (EUR, USD, AUD, etc.) and six digital currencies. Gamblers can use such crypto coins as BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, DOGE, and USDT.
The permitted amounts of deposits start from €5 / 0.00075 BTC. The maximum amount can be up to €6,000, depending on the payment system that is used. In order to withdraw funds, the amount should be no less than €10 / 0.0015 BTC. The upper limit, again, depends on the chosen payment method.

GreenSpin Casino Games

The game lobby of crypto casino Greenspin features roulette, slots, monopoly, baccarat, poker, blackjack, video poker, lottery, and other crypto casino games.
If you seek huge jackpots or simply want to play the game via a video stream with a real dealer, you will find that here as well.
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Security and fairness

Any transactions between users and the Bitcoin casino are done through a connection protected by the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol. The website takes all reasonable measures to ensure the privacy of users’ personal data.
Although there is no mention of the algorithms that allow users to check the apps on their own, all games come from renowned providers and have the required licenses. It involves mandatory testing for all gambling apps by independent third-party organizations.

Pros and cons of GreenSpin Casino

Wagering requirements of 50X make the bonuses a tad bit less attractive to those who like cryptocurrency gambling. On the other hand, such multiplier is quite common and is not something out of the ordinary.
If compared to their fiat counterparts, the bonuses for deposits made in cryptocurrency often promise a lesser maximum amount of bonus money, according to the promo terms and conditions. It is rather unfortunate for all crypto enthusiasts.
And here is the list of advantages offered by online casino Greenspin: 1. Six accepted cryptocurrencies 2. More than 1,500 crypto casino games 3. Diverse deposit bonuses 4. No deposit bonus 5. VIP membership bonuses 6. Adequate mobile version 7. Giveaways in social media 8. Considerate customer support
To sum up, crypto casino has enough pros to score points with any gambler. Therefore, we recommend it to all those who like to play casino games using cryptocurrencies and fiat money!
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Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome Review
Join Casino Dome and take advantage of our exclusive welcome bonus on deposit! Claim 21 free spins and 100% up to 200 EUUSD/NZD/CAD. This promotion doesn't require bonus codes. Play and win real money.
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Welcome to Casino Dome

Ready for take-off! The acclaimed casino group Genesis Global Ltd has added Casino Dome to its growing portfolio of modern online gaming destinations. Enter The Dome, a sleek and futuristic utopia of casino gambling filled with 1,300 slots and table games from top providers. All combined with dozens of live dealer games, big bonuses, 24/7 support and timely payments.
Launched in December 2020, Casino Dome is owned and operated by Genesis Global Ltd. and sister site to about a dozen other group brands such as Spinit, CasinoLab and Vegas Hero. All under a trio of solid licenses from the MGA Malta, the Swedish Spelinspektionen and the UK Gambling Commission. These are currently the most stringent any online casino can acquire, ensuring fair games while adhering to strict Responsible Gambling regulations.

Our Take

Throughout the last years, Genesis Global has been on a rapid expansion course, officially surpassing a dozen brands at the start of 2020. Casino Dome will be the final launch for this rather turbulent year, aiming to entice players with a modern gaming site that works equally well on desktop, tablet and mobile devices across all OS platforms. Reason enough to take a closer look as to what you can expect at The Dome.


Players who have already an account at any of the sister brands will find a familiar site layout, which might seem uninspiring at first, but it helps to feel at home after a few clicks so to speak. Newcomers will like the mobile-optimized structure that makes navigating the site with ease. The registration is done the common group form and can be completed quickly in a few steps. As usual, we highly recommend completing the KYC verification at your earliest convenience to avoid any potential delays with withdrawals as the group is known for its strict adherence to the procedure.
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Slot and table games

Just like its sister brands in the Genesis Global Group, Casino Dome offers an extensive range of slot and table games exceeding 1,300 titles, although some might be restricted in certain jurisdictions. The major developers such as Netent, Play’n GO, Microgaming, Big Time Gaming, Relax Gaming, Quickspin and Yggdrasil form the basis of the portfolio while providers like Skywind, Fantasma, 4ThePlayer or Foxium are adding more flavour to the mix. The Live Casino games are powered by Evolution Gaming.

Welcome package

The soon you are ready for your first deposit, you will discover a generous welcome package that includes a large match bonus and additional spins (subject to change). Wagering requirements apply to all bonus offers subject to the Casino Dome bonus terms, always read them in full as the group is strictly enforcing them. As with all brands from this group, Neteller and Skrill deposits are excluded from the welcome package but are allowed for reload bonuses and other promotional offers.
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Payment methods

A truly extensive list of payment methods ranging from credit cards (restricted for UK players), debit cards and instant bank transfers to e-wallets, pay-by-phone and prepaid solutions will make depositing and withdrawals a breeze. Beware though that some methods are country-specific and might not be available at your location. All available methods will be displayed once you enter the banking lobby. As for withdrawals, Casino Dome is processing payments daily and that 24/7 including weekends and public holidays. They might not the fastest paying casino group and are known to stall at times but are still in an acceptable time frame of usually no longer than 24 hours. We missed a lock function that would allow players to lock pending cashouts until they are processed.

Loyalty program

Currently, Casino Dome does not have a loyalty program where all players can earn extra rewards or level up. However, they do offer a VIP club with little information on what the requirements are to be invited or admitted to the exclusive circle. It promises added benefits such as Premium Customer Service, Personalized Email Support, Exclusive Weekend Promotions, Birthday Bonus, Welcome, Anniversary and Special Gifts, Personal Cashback Offers, Exclusive Bonus Plans and even flights to Las Vegas. We recommend you to contact their customer support if your deposit level would need special attention or if you are already a VIP member at other casinos.
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Need help? Casino Dome offers customer support via phone, email and Live Chat. However, the latter is not open 24/7. Currently, the site is available in English language only. We expect them to add others in the near future and will update this review the soon we have the confirmation.

Play responsibly

Responsible Gambling is an integral part of Casino Dome’s mission to provide not just the best possible entertainment but maximum protection for players who might need to control their spending. A vast choice of daily, weekly or monthly restrictions can be self-set by the players for deposits, wager amounts, losses and session that will help them to limit their gaming. Also available are cool-off periods of up to six weeks and self-exclusion of a minimum of six months. For UK players, Genesis Global Ltd. is participating in the GAMSTOP program.
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Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Omni Slots Casino and receive 100 free spins and a €500 welcome bonus! On your first deposit, you get 80 free spins and 100% up to €300! No bonus code required!
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Omni Slots Casino Review

Omni Slots casino rewards its members with a stunning choice of welcome offers and existing player promotions, which is why it’s so popular in Canada and in many other countries.
There are over 2,000 slots and games from several top software providers and loyal players get the chance to become an Omni Slots VIP. Many support options are also available, including live chat and email. Check out everything we think you’ll love about Omni Slots below, including how to claim your welcome package.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses and Promotions

One of the biggest reasons to join Omni Slots is the chance to take advantage of a generous welcome package. You can claim bonuses when making your first two deposits and use your bonus funds to play many types of slots and table games.
Free spins are also part of this new player offer and these can be played on popular specified slots. Our Omni Slots casino review experts can’t see this great offer lasting forever, so they recommend you claim it now before it’s gone.
Once you’ve enjoyed your welcome package, check out the monthly promotions calendar at Omni Slots casino which is full of existing player offers such as free spins and bonuses. This is also the place to find special events and instructions on how to take part in slot tournaments.
If you’re the kind of player who is looking to be a VIP, email the Omni Slots customer service team to find out how you could start earning loyalty rewards such as higher bonuses, special VIP promotions, and some cool extras. Our Omni Slots reviewers think these existing player offers and VIP promotions are awesome reasons to play here regularly.
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Omni Slots Casino Software and Other Games

Our review of Omni Slots casino revealed over 1,000 slots and games from a good selection of popular software providers. You can spin new slots from Wazdan and Relax Gaming or play the latest and greatest 5-reel slots from NetEnt and Microgaming.
We recommend you also check out the jackpot section, where you can win the Red Hot Firepot Jackpot or the Golden Knights Bonus by playing slots from Gamomat. There are also many chances to squeeze out a big win in the fruit slots section, where top titles include Beauty Fruity and Back to the Fruits: Respins of Amunore.
Live roulette and blackjack are available at the Pragmatic Play-powered live Omni Slots casino. Other popular casino games such as red dog, craps, and video poker can be played in the table games section. Our Omni Slots casino review team believes this excellent choice of slots and games will keep players entertained and satisfied.

Omni Slots Casino Banking and Cashouts

Deposits of between $10 and $1,000 can be made instantly at Omni Slots casino using credit cards, instant banking, and pre-paid cards. You can also fund your casino account using Neteller or Skrill, and these e-wallets can be used to make withdrawals. Payment options may vary in different countries, so our Omni Slots online reviewers advise you to always check with the cashier for your best payment options.
Cashout limits start at just $20 and you can withdraw up to $25,000 a month. All financial transactions and personal data are protected by SSL encryption, which complies with the casino industry’s regulations regarding safety and security.
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Omni Slots Casino Support

There are lots of ways to get support at Omni Slots casino, starting with a helpful FAQ section where you’ll find all sorts of answers to popular questions. Omni Slots also aims to reply to any emails within 24 hours. If you’re a social media lover, there’s also the chance to connect via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
We found the quickest method to be a live chat, which is available 06.00 – 03.00 (CET) seven days a week on Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop. Our Omni Slots review team used this service to find out several important pieces of information and were delighted with the quickness of the response times and the professionalism of the live agents.

Our Verdict

An awesome welcome package and amazing existing member promotions are why players are rushing to join Omni Slots casino. Bonuses and free spins can be used to play hundreds of the best slots and games, so you’ll always have a great time on site.
Other plus points include a choice of eight languages, the opportunity to play games on any device you’d like, and a variety of excellent support options. That’s why our Omni Slots casino review experts recommend you take advantage of everything this top gaming site has to offer.
Sign up to Omni Slots now to claim your welcome package and discover a world of thrills and excitement.
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Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino Free Spins
Join Casombie Casino and receive one of the exclusive welcome bonuses! These include 100 and 200 free spoins, 100% and 200% welcome bonus, 500 EUR and 1000 EUR free money, cahsback, and re-load promotions. spins. Click on the promo link and take full advantage of our special offers!
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Casombie Casino Review

At Casombie, established in 2020, a comprehensive package of casino is offered. At the moment, the game library comprises titles from 37 different game studios, that offer a total sum of more than 2.709 titles. It might be the case that not every game is available to you, dependent upon the country that you reside in. Casombie is regulated by the Curaçao eGaming. Alongside English, the casino’s website is offered in 9 more language options, including German and Finnish. The following Casombie review provides more info about the casino, so keep on reading to learn more.

Register Your Account

You only have to take a few steps to complete the sign-up at Casombie. Initially, fill in the registration form that opens after clicking the registration button. Once you have typed in your data to the Casombie registration form, the casino requires you to approve your account. To this end, customers usually receive specific instructions via SMS or a confirmation link via email. You have the option to start to play after the approval procedure is finalized.
Casombie requests you to complete an account verification procedure before you are able to initiate payments. For this purpose, the casino demands you to submit a scan of an official document (ID Card, Passport or Driving License) as part of a KYC procedure. In addition, Casombie demands a bank document (credit card photo) or an invoice (phone bill, electricity bill or bank statement) for the verification of your residence. You are required to provide the corresponding documents via mail.
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Casombie Casino Bonuses

Unlocking the Casombie welcome package is an option for all new players. You can get up to €500 additional credits if you make use of the 100% bonus. As an addition to your extra funds you also have the option to activate 100 Free Spins. Deposits are allowed with Bank Wire Transfer, Skrill or Bitcoin and have to be at least €20. This offer cannot be received if you pay in with Skrill or Neteller. A deposit of €500 will unlock the maximal bonus. Then you can profit from a total amount of €1.000 to place bets with. You are not asked to type in a bonus code.
You get the bonus credits automatically within a short time after your payment. The casino offers a cancellation option that you can make use of if you wish not to use the bonus. Your bonus funds are available for playing when your cash funds are used. Using your bonus funds is permitted for games from Yggdrasil, Play’n GO and iSoftBet, as well as other well-known software studios in the present selection. At Casombie, you are not allowed to claim more than one new customer promotion at one time.
Before you can withdraw your winnings, turn over your bonus and the deposit 35 times within 10 days. Besides, completing the turnover requirements of 40 times, that apply to any winnings from your Free Spins, must be completed. Initiating a payout before you finished the turnover conditions causes the expiration of your bonus. Exceeding the time limit without finishing the criteria means that you will lose your bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, is not compromised by this.

Other Promotions and Rewards

Existing customers at Casombie are able to activate bonuses, namely a cashback bonus. Be, however, sure to read the T&Cs of these offers prior to activating them as they may be different. At Casombie, joining a loyalty program is not an option. However, VIP customers can avail of faster withdrawals and a personal service agent. As a registered user joining slot tournaments is an option every month and every week. In those tournaments, users have the chance to win free spins and cash.
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Casombie Casino Games and Software

There are a lot of games accessible at Casombie, providing content for players of all skill levels. The portfolio of software providers comprises well-established names like Play’n GO, Elk Studios or Pragmatic Play, however of course, you are able to select some of the best slots designed by other software studios as well. Customers have the chance to select classic slot games as well as video slot games. The list of top slots at Casombie contains Booongo’s Book of Sun, PariPlay’s Jonny Ventura and The Eye of Ra and Piggy Bank created by 1×2 Gaming. You also have the option to test out progressive jackpot slot games, as an example NetEnt’s Mega Joker.
Furthermore, live dealer variants of the following games are available: Dragon Tiger, Sic Bo, European Roulette, Poker & French Roulette. Customers who want to play classic table games should also find games that corresponds to their preferences as Casombie offers table games like Baccarat, Casino War, Dragon Bahar, Blackjack as well as French Roulette. However, that’s not all – You can also try out wheel games, arcade games, scratch cards and keno. Due to the fact that the accessibility of games is differing from country to country, we suggest you go to the games library yourself.

Casombie Payments

Casombie offers 12 payment options. Players have the possibility to use crypto payments like Bitcoin or Litecoin. The casino accepts common credit cards like MasterCard or Visa and e-wallets, including Neteller or Skrill. On top of that, making a deposit is available with bank wire transfer, for one thing, Bank Wire Transfer or Trustly, or via prepaid cards like Paysafecard. The exact collection of deposit and withdrawal options can be different depending on your country. Do not forget: There may be deposit limits for each given payment method. To find out the Casombie deposit limits, you have the chance to look at the cashier section or get in touch with the customer service.
When paying out, players have the possibility to make use of 12 withdrawal methods. You have the possibility to withdraw your winnings with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Visa & Skrill, to mention only some of the provided payment options. Every day you are able to carry out a payout up to a maximum of €500. Casombie does not restrict the number of free pay-outs, that you can request. As a result, there won’t be any additional withdrawal fees charged by Casombie when paying winnings out. All payouts that you initiate are processed manually. You should get an approval for your cash out within 72 hours. Casombie solely transacts your payouts on workdays, which you should consider. VIP users are able to benefit from exclusive withdrawal arrangements, which is another benefit.
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Casombie Support

If you have any inquiries, you can get in touch with the Casombie customer support in different ways. For one thing, you have the option to contact customer support via email ([email protected]) or phone line. Typically, the email support staff responds within 45 hours after your request. Alternatively, you can use the webform to get in touch with the support. What’s more, a live chat can be reached 24/7 at the casino. In our inspection, the customer care team always gave quick and helping replies. Casombie furthermore provides an FAQ section, where players should find answers to most questions.
In order to retain their licenses, casinos have to be reliable and provide the highest levels of safety. Making use of 128-bit SSL encryption for their site is an example of the security procedures that Casombie uses. The Curaçao eGaming, which granted a license to Casombie, examines the security of the casino on a regular basis.
As it is the case in some other casinos, Casombie supports responsible gaming by implementing player protection options. The options allow you to:
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
  • Pause your account
In addition, if you have a problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Casombie is referring to.
submitted by casinogy to u/casinogy [link] [comments]

From the Blue Dragon to the Hands of Yartar - Ch.3 (+1 level, Kraken's Gamble) - Session 16 - Previously our heroes found Zephyros' tower crashed in the wilderness and a bunch of stone creatures were attempting to burn all his notes; among them was a Large Dragon also made of stone but also possessed a regular Dragon's lightning breath. After crumbling all their enemies to rubble the party gathers up as much of their late Cloud Giant friend's notes as they could and put a full day's travel between them and the tower in case any other statue-like minions showed up to finish the job. .
The cast of DnD Comrades.
Paxton spends a good part of the evening using a Language-Comprehension spell to pour over Zephyros' journal and other loose pages. He finds pages of recipes, philosophical musings, and several pages relevant to their previous experience together, along with where he went after he dropped them off in Triboar.
After some deliberation, the group decided the notes don't provide enough new information for them to step away from their quest to find the Giant-Slaying weapon presumably left behind in Yartar by the missing Harthol Zymorven so they continue on, but mean to seek out more answers about this 'Eye of the All-Father' at a later time.
Around midday Paxton's Owl familiar communicates to him, "Don't look up, but there appears to be a dragon circling high above us."
Paxton quietly lets his comrades know of the situation. He casts Mage Armor on himself and Sir Oswald casts Armor of Agathys on himself. Their casting of spells seems to have alerted the dragon of their awareness of them as it begins to dive. Paxton then casts Invisibility on himself.
There's a nearby tor jutting out of the bog nearby that Paxton suggests they all run towards, but they only make it a little ways off the road before realizing that Sir Oswald is staying in place, trying to draw the Dragon's ire to himself.
In a flash of cobalt blue, the Dragon both forcefully and gracefully lands on a nearby boulder still some 60' from them. With its bulk nearly the size of a large covered wagon, it puffs out the yellow plates of its underbelly and cocks its head as it stares down its snout and horn towards the group. In a deep, steady voice it speaks, "Greetings little travelers. Are you lost? From where have you come? To where do you travel?"
Not wanting to divulge too much information Creedun only mentions they're traveling to Yartar and they didn't mean to trespass on the Dragon's territory.
"I'm only here to talk, let's drop the spells and magic in the name of diplomacy; I know there's a 5th member of your group skulking around somewhere. Now, normally I'd demand some tribute for such a trespass," the Young Blue Dragon continues, "but today I'm interested only in information. Just last night I passed the strangest thing - what looked like a tower... that had fallen from the sky... just off the road? You wouldn't have happened to have noticed that too would have, traveling past there towards Yartar as you say."
Creedun asks the Dragon if they can just be on their way and that they mean no harm or disrespect. Sir Oswald musters as much Charisma as he can (which is quite a lot) and says they'd be willing to trade information for information). He asks the Blue Dragon what he found in the tower, what he thought of it, and why he wants to know more?
"I found a dead Giant in the tower, I found it rather odd, and it is my business to know what happens in my territory." The Dragon adds with a thin veil of forced patience, "I'm normally not so generous but you amuse me human; I've now answered 3 of your questions and you none of mine. What do you know of the tower?"
Otto chimes in saying the Cloud Giant Zephyros had been their friend once and he believes he'd been trying to get a message through to them.
The Dragon grins a cruel smile, "As I suspected. I will add you to the collection of the Queen of Statues - the Gathering Storm!" as it pumps its mighty wings to take flight.
Roll Initiative!
Creedun conjures two Giant Eagles which Grapple the Dragon before it takes off.
This is obviously a cunning foe as it completely ignores the beasts and unleashes a torrent of deadly lightning into the Dwarven Bard, shocking him so badly that it's impossible to maintain concentration. As the Eagles poof into nothingness, the Dragon flies up 40' above the ground and begins circling the group.
Otto is struggling to hit the dragon at this range with his Hand Crossbow and uses his new martial training to stow his shield and attack with his Shortbow at the same time.
Paxton appears next to Sir Oswald, and laying a hand on him casts a spell allowing the heavily armored Knight to fly!
Sir Oswald streaks towards the Dragon and positions himself above it, striking mightily into the Dragon's back twice.
Ransom makes a Spiritual Weapon appear next to Dragon to slash at him, while Creedun resummons his Giant Eagles, though this time the Dragon fends off their grapple.
The Blue Dragon mauls Sir Oswald several times then tries to fly away, knowing that even if the Eagle can keep up, the Knight can't. He's betting that his scales can fend off their attacks and is partly correct, both eagles fail to land even a scratch. Sir Oswald with a lucky swing strikes a critical weak spot behind the Dragon's shoulder and adds a charged-up Smite into the fleeing Dragon
Paxton takes advantage of the Dragon having left the cluster of his allies and centers a Fireball on the Dragon. As the dragon flies out of the bursting flame it is singed and starting to look quite hurt.
The resummoned Giant Eagles catch up and both successfully grapple the Dragon as the 3 of them tumble to the ground, WHAM! Still thrashing on the ground the Dragon bites and claws the injured Eagles, causing both of them to poof from existence.
The Dragon takes an expert shot from Otto's Short Bow and not only looks very hurt, but for the first time shows actual fear itself. It moves to retreat, but instead of flying away it begins to burrow into the soft boggy soil. The group only sees it burrow in 10' and then loose sight of it in the dark tunnel.
Paxton throws a fireball right at the opening of the tunnel, hoping the edges of the flaming blast will catch the Dragon. He hears no sound as to whether it hit or missed.
Even running at top speed Otto isn't quick enough to reach the hole before the Dragon can burrow further in and the tunnel turns at such an angle the Gnome can't blind-fire in. Then he remembers that he has one more "Ka-boomer" left from the merchant cart they encountered south of Calling Horns. He lights the fuse and tosses it into the tunnel. 4 seconds later KABOOM!!! followed by a screeching roar of pain.
Sir Oswald flies down into the tunnel with no hesitation in hopes to finish off the Dragon but emerges a couple seconds later saying, "It's dead." The Kaboomer had blown open the side of its face as smoke poured up and viscera dripped down from its eye.
The group tries harvesting some scales and teeth, but damages their trophies in the process. Sir Oswald opens the Dragon's belly to find a couple human skulls and bones, along with a partially digested dagger. He also insists on spending more time to try to acquire the Dragon's snout horn. Paxton puts his Secure Hut spell over the tunnel while he works because spending several hours exposed in the wilderness doesn't seem like a safe plan.
The rest of the day and a half journey to Yartar is uneventful and everyone arrives fully rested.
They find a contingency of guards inspecting everyone who arrives to the city's outer gate. They make their way inside and get food recommendations from a cheery local man.
They're directed to the man's favorite joint - a "dive" dinner on the edge of the "bad part of town - called Karletta's Table.
There they find a one story flat-roofed building hemmed in by larger buildings that appear to have 3rd-story additions built atop older structures. Karletta's Table has crates stacked up outside that several young street kids are using to play and climb on, some have even climbed up onto the roof and are playing up there, another youngster in dirty clothes runs out from behind the diner with a fist-full of bread.
The group walks through the swinging saloon-style doors and gets their bearings in the dim light inside. Most of the booths have privacy walls, but they see a few folk who look down on their luck, a few more working class people, and a couple women arm-wrestling.
Behind the bar is a window looking into the kitchen where clanging pots and pans and sizzling can be heard. A half-elf with dark blue dyed hair cropped short on one side, wearing leather armor with an apron over it comes into view yelling at some staff around the corner, "You don't have that ready yet? By the gods, what am I paying you for, eh?" She notices the party standing in the dinning area and immediately switches her demeaner to a sweet and welcoming smile. "Hey sorry nobody was there to welcome you, feel free to seat yourselves! Someone will be with you in a moment :) " She returns into the part of the kitchen out of view and continues commanding the kitchen staff in an authoritative tone.
Creedun suggests they sit where he can watch the women arm-wrestle and after a few rounds he approaches them with Otto and asks if he can challenge one of them for a round of drinks. There's some brief chit-chat and the women seem fond of taunting Creedun and Otto, mostly in good fun. They tell the adventurers that they work the docks in the fishing industry. Otto mentions that he's a fisher as well and that's how he lost his eye.
One of the women cranks her shoulder a bit as though it's stiff and says to the other, "What do you think Sally? You wanna take 'im?"
Sally, "Are you gunna need some books to sit on, guy?" alluding to the Dwarf's stoutness. "How 'bout instead a drinks though we wrestle for the story of your friend's lost eye. I win against short an stout 'ere - you tell us your tale, little guy?" Otto agrees.
After a particularly close match Sally pins Creedun and Otto launches into a captivating tale from his youth when their boats' nets caught a Kraken, and how he had to climb into the nets to free the beast. In the process he slipped and severed the end off one of the Kraken's tentacles, fell back into the boat and the knife "poked him in the eye."
There is a long pause. Eventually Sally says, "Pffffft, I call bullsh!t There's no way that was a Kraken. That's a mythical beast; even if one does exist there's been no claims of seeing one in a hundred years at least. Plus, it would have dragged your ship to the bottom before you had a chance to free it."
Otto insists he's not lying.
Sally adds, "look, I'm sure you were entangled with something big and tentacle-y, maybe a Giant Octopus, maybe a newborn Kraken, but if that were a real one you'd be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean right now."
There's a little more benign chit-chat. Otto refers to the women as "madams" which they get a hoot out of. Then he uses his Thieves Cant to see if there's more to them than meets the eye and mentions being "a part of their guild" and "wondering if they could help him."
The women look at each other and Sally says, "Let's step outside for a chat little guy. Just us and and you; your friends can stay in here and order their meal." Otto assures his party that it'll be fine. Paxton keeps watch on the situation with his Owl Familiar waiting outside.
Sally calls to the kitchen, "Hey Karletta could we get some more bread" and they're given a basket of bread as they walk with Otto out a back door.
Outside Sally laughs and says he must be new in town and there's no way he's part of their guild. They ask what he wants and he mentions he's looking for someone. Sally scoffs, saying they don't point strangers to members of their guild. He explains - still in somewhat vague terms - he's looking for a Noble's son who's gone missing. He offers them 50gp if they can help. Sally leans to the other woman and whispers something.
Paxton, listening through his Owl's senses hears her ask her friend, "Do you think he's talking about Mel?"
Sally tells Otto to go back inside with his friends and they'll be back with their friend who can tell him more. Neither Otto nor Paxton (through his Familiar) can discern any fowl-play or malice so they wait.
In the meantime Karletta had come by to take the group's order and comments about how quiet Paxton is and asks why he's sitting upright with his eyes closed. Creedun tells her his friend is just really tired and asks for a bib to put on the wizard.
Otto comes back in just as Ransom is pinning Creedun in their own arm-wrestling match.
Paxton has his owl follow the two women. One sets the basket of bread down on a nearby crate but the owl follows them to a warehouse where they disappear inside for several minutes. When they reemerge they're accompanied by a young woman and an older halfling woman; they all head back towards the diner. Paxton tells his owl to check out the bread basket, but when he gets there there are barely even crumbs.
The four women reenter Karletta's Table. Without pause the Halfling woman jumps up onto the bench, eye-level with Ransom and the others "I hear you want to ask my friend Mel some questions. I'm just here to make sure it goes smoothly, okay?"
Mel pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the booth. Between asking questions to Mel and the Halfling, they learn:

Next time - All Aboard the Grand Dame!
submitted by Yesh_Vroo to stormkingsthunder [link] [comments]

IVI Casino 22 free spins + 1500 EUR bonus + 150 gratis spins

IVI Casino 22 free spins + 1500 EUR bonus + 150 gratis spins

IVI Casino Gratis Spins amd Free Bonus
Here comes IVI Casino with exclusive bonuses! Register today and collect a 22 free spins no deposit bonus! Next, get 180% up to 1500 euro bonus and 150 gratis spins on the first deposit! Good luck!
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Ivi Casino Review

Ivi Casino is one of the gambling operators owned by JocSolutions Limited which is based in Gibraltar and runs on a license issued in Curaçao. This is a relatively new casino, founded in 2018, but it has already expanded its collection of games to include hundreds of slots, video pokers and table games.
They are supplied by two dozen software developers and they can be played for free on mobile devices.

IVI Casino Bonuses

The Ivi Casino welcome bonus is awarded to new depositors who invest at least €10 and it spans over five consecutive deposits. None of them require a bonus code and players who follow through with 5 deposits will receive a mix of cash and free spins.
The first deposit is matched by 100% up to €300, while the second awards 50 free spins that can be used on a popular slot. The casino returns to the cash incentive for those who make the third deposit, by matching it by 30% up to €400.
Another bundle of 30 free spins is offered upon making the fourth deposit, while the fifth will trigger a 50% bonus worth €300.
In each case, the bonus is offered immediately after players require it by contacting customer support. The casino clearly states that the bonus is offered for entertainment purposes only and reserves the right to terminate the promotion without prior notice.
Players should abide by the general bonus policy and the terms and conditions and meet wagering requirements before attempting a cash-out. Once the bonus and the winnings resulting from free spins are played through 40 times players are allowed to withdraw funds.
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How to Get Started at Ivi Casino

In order to qualify for the free spins, matched deposit bonuses and play the games available, players have to register an account. A click on the registration button will trigger the process, which requires players to enter a few details about themselves.
Using a valid email address is paramount since this will be used to send the authentication link that wraps up the sign-up process. New members can claim bonuses and try all the games available in demo version, without choosing a payment method and making a deposit.
Players can take their time and only submit the documents required by the casino to prove identity when they make the first cash out. These include scanned images of their ID, bank statement, and utility bills which are required by the Know Your Customer provisions.
They are also in complete control of their gaming activity and they have the option of terminating the Ivi Casino membership whenever they want. This is done by making a formal request to customer support via live chat or email.

Ivi Casino Games and Software

We were impressed by how many games are available when writing the Ivi Casino review. It wouldn’t have been possible for a new casino to amass a collection of more than 2000 titles without working with several top developers.
Netent, Microgaming, Quickspin, Blueprint, Big Time Gaming, Yggdrasil, ELK, Pragmatic Play, Amatic, NextGen, 1x2 Gaming, Lighting Box, Endorphina, Thunderkick and Betsoft are their partners. Each of these software developers has a different approach and a unique concept about online gaming, hence the extraordinary diversity in terms of visuals, gameplay and features.
A burgeoning selection of table games is constantly being expanded, with the emphasis on adding new live dealer table games. Craps, roulette, baccarat and blackjack games are streamed in real-time from studios located in Asia and Europe, using the latest WebCam technology.
This makes it possible for players to interact with highly-trained and friendly croupiers from different parts of the world. At online casinos, this is as close as it gets to experience the thrills of real casino games from home.
The preference for slots is not surprising given the high number of games featured, with players being invited to switch from classic titles to the latest ones. Immortal Romance, Ancient Egypt Classic, Lucha Legends, Book of Oz and Chicago Gangsters are just a few of the mobile-friendly games on display.
Most of the table games can only be played against the random number generator, but this was certified fair by independent auditors. Atlantic City Blackjack Gold Series, Premier Blackjack Multi-Hand European Roulette as well as popular versions of poker such as Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker are featured.
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Ivi Casino Website Layout and Interface

Ivi Casino is a part of a larger group of casinos owned and operated by JocSolutions Limited, with whom they share many similarities. In each case, the designers have focused on creating a website layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate by beginners.
Casual punters are the targeted audience, which explains why it’s so easy to find anything even if you know nothing about this casino. There’s little information on the main pages, but they’re just one click away from finding the answers they seek. Games are grouped based on genre and punters can use one of the many filters to jump straight to their game of choice.

Ivi Casino Contact Options

There are four distinct email addresses that players can use to ask for help, depending on the nature of their problem.
The financial and marketing departments have their own addresses, as does the team handling complaints and there is a special email address for general inquiries.
Live chat is also offered and this is the fastest way of asking questions at any hour of day or night.
The absence of phone support is a bit surprising, but given all the other alternatives, its absence will go unnoticed.
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Other Promotions and Offers at Ivi Casino

There are plenty of other promotions waiting for players to join once they have dealt with the introductory offer. The Dreamland Bonus for example will reward players who make a deposit between midnight and 5 AM with a 50% bonus up to €500.
In order to qualify for this financial incentive, players will have to make a deposit of at least €20 using the DREAM50 code. This must be communicated to client support over live chat and players can withdraw a maximum of €1000 after meeting the wagering requirements.
Jolly Weekend is another promotion dedicated to people who are more active over the weekend, as only deposits made on Saturday and Sunday qualify. This is one of the most alluring offers we have found while working on our Ivi Casino review, as it can be accessed every week.
Players are eligible for a bonus of €8 or as much as €500 based on how much money they deposit over the weekend. Only the first deposit will be matched up to 40% and this bonus can’t be combined with other promotional offers.
Friday Reward bears many similarities to the aforesaid campaign, as once again, players are eligible for a maximum bonus of €1000 if they deposit €20. Just as the name suggests, only deposits made on Friday qualify and players are eligible for a 15% cashback bonus.
The amount is calculated by subtracting the winnings from the losses suffered over the last week to come up with the final sum. The reimbursement is offered in the form of bonus funds and it is subject to 40 times wagering requirements.

Ivi Casino Currencies and Payments Options

Ivi Casino payment methods include MasterCard, Visa, Neteller, Skrill, PaySafeCard and Trustpay. Players can deposit in EUR, RUB, SEK, PLN and if they qualify for bonuses, they will receive the amounts in currency equivalent.
All deposits are processed instantly without any fees being charged and players can also withdraw winnings without paying commission. This is a Bitcoin-friendly online casino, so players can deposit in cryptocurrency they want to enjoy enhanced privacy.
The waiting time on withdrawals ranges from 24 hours for e-wallets and Bitcoin to five days for credit cards. One of the few problems that we have encountered while testing these gambling operators for our Ivi Casino review was in regard to the withdrawal limits.
They start at €1500 per day, increase to €3000 per week and are limited to €9000 per month, all of them being too low. If players win a progressive jackpot for bet a lot of money and come on top, it will take a while to cash out all their profits.
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Ivi Casino has set the bar high with its enormous lineup of games and extensive coverage of software developers. It is one of the best new casinos that accept cryptocurrencies, while also allowing players to deposit and wager in traditional money.
The withdrawal limits are the Achilles’ heel in this case and one of the main reasons why some people will choose to avoid this casino. Otherwise, they do most of the things we expect from top casinos well and they should have a bright future ahead of them.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

Ego Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Ego Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Ego Casino Exclusive Bonus
Get 20 No Deposit Free Spins at Ego Casino! Simply, click on the promotional link below and register your account. Then, play free spins on popular slot machines. In addition, get a 180% Welcome Bonus up to 1500 EUR + 150 Gratis Spins. Good Luck!
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Ego Casino Review - Bonus Codes, Free Spins & More

In today's review of Ego Casino, we'll be doing a thorough analysis of their most important features and see exactly why this casino has the potential to become one of the greatest. It is available in a couple of languages like English, German, Polish, Chinese and Russian, making it one of the most popular international online casinos on the m arket. Along with that, it is available in various currencies such as Euros, Polish zlotys, and Russian rubles, making it a popular casino amongst European and Russian players. It also needs to be said that US and UK players are restricted from using this casino.
Regardless of the country restrictions, there is a lot to research and review about this casino. In the past few months, it got on a good foot with new players thanks to a generous no deposit free spins offer. But, there is much more to review and uncover. So let's get this review started and find out what earned Ego Casino their review ratings so fast amongst the online gambling communities.

Ego Casino Sign-Up Bonus And Promos

We thought it would be a great way to start this review on a positive note, so we've decided to review the promos like no deposit free spins and reloads available at Ego Casino. Upon our review of their promo selection, we were quite impressed by their offer. Being a new online casino they have to be able to attract new members and no deposit free spins promotions and rewards are a great strategy. Let's have a look at some of the most sought-after rewards and their availability in this exciting casino.
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No Deposit Bonus/Free Spins Bonus

One of the most requested bonus rewards amongst new players is the no deposit bonus. The no deposit bonus gives new players a chance to play some casino games right after they signup, no deposit needed. The no deposit bonus mainly includes free spins, but in some cases, the no deposit bonus might include free chips or cash instead of free spins. The purpose of the no deposit promo remains the same though - to promote games and offer players a chance to test the casino and review the game selection. Upon our review of the bonus section at Ego Casino, we've noted that they do not have an active any deposit bonus at this time.
If you are specifically looking for a no deposit promo like free spins or cash, make sure to wait a bit and review the casino's website. No deposit free spins promos become often available as a part of new promotions for new game releases.
However, we've also noted that in order to make up for their lack of a no deposit bonus, they offer a fairly generous welcome offer. Namely, the Ego Casino welcome promo is a 100% first deposit bonus for up to €500 and an additional 50 free spins, no bonus code required. Furthermore, there are three versions of this reward: Basic, Silver, and Gold. All of them differ in terms of how big of a deposit you make, resulting in a larger reward and more free spins. If you want to learn more about this and other promo rewards, head over to the Ego website and review it under the Promotions tab.

Cashback Bonus

Another promo that is popular amongst online casinos and their players is the cashback bonus. This promo gives players part of their wager back when they lose, giving them a fighting chance. Upon our review of the Promotions section at Ego Casino, we've noted that they do in fact have a cashback bonus. There are two types as well. The first one is called Weekly Cashback, where depending on your member status you either get 10-15% cashback which is calculated according to the deposits you've made. The cash is put back in your account every Sunday. The other one is called the Weekly 50% VIP Bonus. To activate it you'll need a bonus code which you can find on their website under the Promotions tab. There you can also learn more about this promo as it is thoroughly reviewed and explained in detail.
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High Roller Bonus

The High Roller bonus is a promo that is reserved for a special group of casino members that like to spend big bucks. These are also known as VIP members and VIPs often receive special treatment in terms of additional rewards such as a higher cashback bonus, more free spins or even priority when it comes to withdrawing funds. Upon our review of EgoCasino, we've noted that they have a Loyalty Program, where depending on your level, you get extra benefits. You gain levels by collecting E-coins that can later be spent for other bonus rewards. If you want to learn more about the Ego Casino loyalty program head over to their website and review it under the Promotions tab.

Weekly Reload Bonus

The Weekly Reload bonus can be any kind of benefit that players can get a hold on during a specific day of the week. Upon our review of the available bonus rewards at Ego Casino, we've noted that they have a couple of interesting weekly offers. We've already mentioned the Weekly Cashback bonus in this review, but there are more offers.
For instance, Ego Casino offers a Morning Up Bonus and a Twilight Bonus. Both are active from Monday through Friday but during different time frames. The Morning promo is active from 4 am -8 am, while the Twilight Bonus is active between 12 AM-4 AM. They also differ in terms of feature, the Twilight promo offers 50% for up to €1,000, while the morning offers the same, plus additional 20 free spins. In addition to these Weekly offers, Ego includes a weekend promo called Upgraded Weekend. Here you'll be able to get a 40% deposit bonus for up to €500. Overall, Ego Casino is very generous when it comes to bonuses.
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EGO Casino Games & Software Providers Available

We've mentioned in this review that Ego Casino can brag about having a large games library. We did a review of the game selection at Casino Ego and to be honest we were quite impressed. They include some of the most popular game categories like slot games, table games, sports betting, and even live games. The games at Ego Casino are provided a courtesy to world-renown software providers like Play'n GO, Microgaming, Quickspin, Big Time Gaming, Evolution Gaming and many more.

Slot Games

First of all, let's have a look at their slots selection. Ego Casino offers a wide range of slot games that meet the needs of every slots lover. Over here you can find classical 3-reel slots for those who love retro games, as well as modern slot games, with state of the art visual and graphics. The latter also includes cool in-game bonus features like wilds, free spins and scatter symbols. Upon our review, we've noted that some of their most popular titles include games like Book of Dead, Vikings Go Wild, Big Bad Wolf, and many more.
Live Dealer games are run in real-time via a live video stream by a real human dealer. Players can join the table and play against other players or against the dealer, depending on the game. Games that saw the biggest change for the better with this innovation are traditional casino games that could not have been imagined without a dealer in the first place. These include the likes of Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, and Poker. Upon our review of the games at Ego Casino, we've noted that they in fact include live dealer games and in the following part of this review, we're going to have a look at some of the available choices they have to offer.
Live Baccarat - Live Baccarat is amongst the many live games choices at Ego. Upon our review, we've noted that they include variants like the game Classical Baccarat, Dragon Tiger, and many more It has to be mentioned that there are betting limits in place, in order to accommodate players from different economic backgrounds.
Live Blackjack - Live Blackjack is another live game option at Ego Casino. Upon our review of the live games at this casino, we've noted that Blackjack is available in multiple variants, such as: Classical Blackjack, Common Draw Blackjack, Blitz Blackjack, and more. Naturally, there are various tables with different betting limits, in order to provide a fun experience for all players, regardless of their financial status.
Live Roulette - Live Roulette is probably the live game with the most choices at Ego. You can choose from variants like European or American Roulette, in addition to that, you can choose rooms with specific languages, such as Turkish, Russian, and German. It goes without saying that there are betting limits here as well in order to provide a fair gambling experience for all players, regardless of their pocket size.
Other Table Games - There are other table game choices available too, with the most popular being Poker. Upon our review, we've noted that they include variants like 3 Card Stud and Hold'Em. There are betting limits in place here as well, so you can expect High Roller and Low Roller tables.
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Compatibility: Desktop & Ego Casino's Mobile Casino App

Since there are a lot of different devices on the market today, it is extremely important for an online casino to be compatible with all of them in order to be accessible to more users. Upon our review of Ego, we've learned that they are a mobile-friendly site, compatible with all devices, including PC, tablet, and mobile as well as operating systems such as iOS and Android.
The Ego Casino games are available in instant play, which means that you won't need to download any additional app or software. All you got to do is use your device and open the browser to access the casino. The experience quality remains the same regardless of what device you use.

Top Security Protocols & Customer Service at Ego Casino

When it comes to security Ego Casino are doing a pretty good job. Even though they are a new and not so experience casino, their security isprotocols are pretty tight. Upon our review of Ego and their security measures, we've noted that they are using high-level SSL encryption in order to protect their players' transactions and their data from harm. It has to be mentioned that Ego Casino is licensed and falls under the regulations of Curacao.
As far as customer support goes, Ego Casino is doing the most that they can in order to be available to their players. Their website includes a 24/7 live chat where English and Russian speaking players can ask for help. In addition to that, there is a support e-mail and a phone number if there is a need for any further assistance.

Ego Casino Complaints Reviewed

Closely tied to the customer care is the willingness of a casino to review and resolve complaints filed against them. At the time of writing this review, we weren't able to find a single complaint filed against this casino. To be fair, it is a new casino and it will take time to see how they handle themselves in the long run.
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Pocket Play Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Pocket Play Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Pocket Play Casino Review
Register at Pocket Play Casino and get 100 Exclusive Free Spins! Also, you will receive a 100% bonus on your first deposit and 10% Cashback on all your losses! This is a very good offer and we highly recommend trying it. No download needed! No promo codes required!
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Pocket Play Casino Bonuses

While playing at Pocket Play Casino, we want you to have fun. Playing at an Online Casino should be a fun and exciting experience. To make it extra fun we will have lots of fantastic promotions for you to participate in. Promotions where you can win cash, bonuses, free spins and lots more.

What is Bonus Money?

At Pocket Play we frequently give Bonus Money to our players. Bonus money is extra money for you to play with if you run out of deposited funds. Bonus money turns into cash once turned over 30 times and can then be withdrawn.
How do I get Bonus Money?

Welcome Package

All new players at Pocket Play can get 100% deposit match up to €100 in bonus + 100 Free Spins.
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Deposit Bonuses

From time to time, we match your deposits with Bonus Money. For example, on your first deposit you get 100% match on your deposit up to €100. Keep your eyes open for new offers.
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Up to 10% of your weekly losses back. Cashback is paid every Friday.
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Ready to get going?
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ZigZag777 | 15 gratis spins + €1000 welcome bonus + 100 free spins

ZigZag777 | 15 gratis spins + €1000 welcome bonus + 100 free spins

ZigZag777 No Deposit Bonus, Free Spins, Codes
Join ZigZag777 Casino and get 15 gratis spins (no deposit required). After that, take advantage of 200% up to €1000 bonus and 100 free spins on the first deposit. Click on the promo link below to get started.
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ZigZag777 is a newly launched online casino in 2016 with the aim of creating a friendly gaming hub that can be easily navigated by the newbie players. With that idea in mind, the operator has designed this user-friendly casino site for easy access to top-rated games. While the layout may be basic, the navigation process is easy and it won’t take players to find their favorite titles quickly. The links are nicely categorized throughout the website and there is a FAQ section offering answers to commonly asked questions.
ZigZag777 Casino is offering an amazing 100% welcome bonus of up to €200 for the newly registered players. Apart from that, players can also claim a 15% cashback bonus for net losses on their deposit. Their mobile gaming feature is pretty impressive and available in the Russian and English languages. Also, there is a live game lobby where players can check out live dealer games. Continue reading below to learn more about ZigZag777 Casino and its features.
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Welcome Bonus for New Players

Most people are on the lookout for the new casino sites because they offer a generous welcome bonus. ZigZag777 Casino meets the expectations of such players by offering a 100% match bonus of up to €200 to new players on their first deposit. This promotion is available on a one-time basis for the new players who have verified their credentials. Players must deposit a minimum of €10 to become eligible for this special promotion.
The operator automatically credits the bonus within a few hours after making the deposit. If not, players should get in touch with customer support and the same will be credited immediately. The welcome bonus comes with 40 times wagering requirements before players can request withdrawal of their winning amount. Different games contribute differently towards wagering requirements and players should read the terms and conditions carefully.

ZigZag777 Casino Free Spins and Other Promotions

Once players have finished the welcome bonus credits, it’s time for the special promotional offers at ZigZag777 Casino. The operator is quite popular amongst players due to their weekly and monthly promotions. Some of the current deals available at the casino while writing this review are:
(1) Weekly Reward: Earn a 15% cashback bonus for overall losses on deposits made during the week. The minimum bonus is €20 and the maximum that the players can claim is €1000. The cashback is offered only from Monday to Thursday via Live Chat at the player’s request.
(2) Full Moon Party Bonus: Full moon is often hailed as the time of magic and fantastic transformation. When it rises, bonuses at this online casino start to grow. Register today and get a 50% bonus on deposit. The promo code is FULLMOON50.
(3) Weekend Reload: Enjoy playing casino games with this nice promotion from ZigZag777 Casino. Get a 40% bonus up to €1000 on the first deposit made every weekend. Players should deposit a minimum of €20 to participate in this offer.
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VIP Program at a Glance

ZigZag777 Casino believes that players should be rewarded considerably every time they play. So the more you play the favorite slots, the more loyalty points you will receive. From the moment the player start playing, they will earn comp points that can be converted into a bonus. For every €50 wager, players will receive 1 comp point which can be converted into a bonus subject to 40 times wagering requirements.
The VIP Program at ZigZag777 Casino is divided into several categories depending on their comp points. The same is mentioned below:
  • Beginner (number of points required from 0 to 5)
  • Bronze (number of points required from 5 to 25)
  • Silver (number of points required from 25 to 250)
  • Gold (number of points required from 250 to 2,500)
  • Platinum (number of points required from 2,500 to 12,500)
Each VIP level has its own advantages and the features increase as one climbs across the ladder. Some of the features include VIP Accounts Manager, Free Spins, Cashback Bonus, Anniversary Gifts and Rewards.

Availability of Different Games

The majority of the games available at ZigZag777 Casino are available from the Microgaming software provider. Hence, players can enjoy abundant slot titles from this software provider. Also, players can expect games from other software developers like NextGen Gaming, Genesis Gaming, Quickspin, and Yggdrasil to name a few. Some of the slot titles worth playing include Ariana, Win Sum Dim Sum, Immortal Romance, and Games of Thrones. Also, there are some progressive slots featured at the casino like Mega Moolah and Mega Fortune.
The selection of table games is also diverse at ZigZag777 Casino. There is a large variety of blackjack, roulette, and baccarat titles available. Players can try their hand at different games like American Roulette, French Roulette, Vegas Strip Gold Series, European Blackjack, and Multi-Hand Atlantic City among others. The video poker section is also diverse and players can check out titles like All Aces Poker, Double Bonus Poker, Jacks or Better and Joker Poker.
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Does ZigZag777 Offer Live Casino Games?

Players looking to experience the thrill and adrenaline-pumping action of land-based casinos should check out the live casino section at ZigZag777. There are plenty of live dealer games available for uninterrupted action and entertainment. Players can choose from multiple variants of Live Roulette and Live Blackjack.
The games are available in high definition format via live streaming from the land-based studios. People will be competing against human dealers and can interact with them via live chat. It is important to note that players should deposit funds in their account before they can access the live dealer games.

Can I Play Games on the Mobile?

Players who are constantly traveling and play games should check out the mobile gaming feature at ZigZag777 Casino. The operator offers a native application that is compatible with different smartphone and tablet devices. Also, their official site is fully mobile responsive and offers a lag-free gaming experience on portable devices running on Android and iOS platforms.
The games load quickly on the mobile browser and offer the best gaming experience from any place on Earth. The overall selection is slightly less as compared to their desktop version but still, there are plenty of titles for uninterrupted gaming. Apart from playing games, players can use the mobile gaming feature to deposit funds and get in touch with customer care.
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ZigZag777 Payment and Withdrawal Methods

The cashier menu at ZigZag777 Casino sufficiently covers a wide range of convenient, widespread, and time-efficient banking methods that anyone expects from a top-rated casino. All available payment methods are 100% reliable and secure and ZigZag777 uses the same security technology which is used by the leading banking institutions across the globe. Every single transaction is encoded using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure players are protected from fraud and identity thefts.
Those who register their account at ZigZag777 can make deposits and withdrawals using MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Skrill, and PaySafeCard. Deposits are instant and players can start placing real money wagers immediately. Withdrawals are slightly on the slower side and players can expect the funds to arrive in their bank account within 5 business days. The best thing is the operator doesn’t charge any fees for processing the transactions of their players.

How Efficient is the Customer Support?

The staff members at ZigZag777 Casino work round the clock to deliver outstanding customer service to all players who need any assistance. This goes to show that the operator values its patrons and works towards establishing a good relationship with its players. The support representatives are available 24 hours from Monday to Friday. They are prompt in their replies and are always happy to help players with detailed information.
Their outstanding level of customer service is anything but surprising as every single team member is professionally qualified to handle any type of query. There are several ways to get in touch with the customer support team like live chat, email program, and telephone service. It is important to note that the live chat feature is not available over the weekend. During the weekend, players can send emails which will be answered latest by Monday.
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Is ZigZag777 a Reliable and Safe Casino?

The website of ZigZag777 Casino is fully protected with 128 bit SSL encryption technology. This innovative technology makes sure that the sensitive data of players are secure from any unauthorized access. Players can have complete peace of mind knowing that the casino is fully reliable and hold a valid game license from Curacao Gaming.
Also, the games undergo regular audits from independent testing agencies like iTech Labs and eCOGRA. At the same, the games are fair and come with RNG that generates a unique winning outcome. In short, the casino employs the latest security protocols as per industry standards to keep everything intact and players can have safe gaming experience.

Final Verdict

Players searching for a reliable and new online casino should look no further than ZigZag777 Casino. Since its inception three years ago, the casino continues to expand and is rising from strength to strength. The success of this online casino is evident from their game fairness, prompt payouts, hassle-free online transactions, transparency and finally diversity of games.
It does not matter whether players are into virtual slots or table card games as the casino has got everything covered. And, their welcome bonus is quite generous allowing players instant money up to €200 on their first deposit. The customer support program is also promising to allow timely resolution of all queries. We highly recommend players register an account at ZigZag777 Casino and start playing the games for free or real money.
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Explosino Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo codes

Explosino Casino Free Bonus & Gratis Spins
Join Explosino Casino and receive 20 free spins bonus - no deposit required! Additionally, get 200% bonus up to 1000 EUR and 150 free spins on top! Also, there are daily reload bonuses, cashback promotions, VIP and Loyalty Rewards. Check it out.
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at Explosino Casino

Registration is very easy, just follow the next steps and that's it:
Explosino will send a confirmation email, you must enter the link sent and formalize the registration. Please note that many times this email goes straight to unwanted correspondence, so it is recommended to add Explosino to your contact list.
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Explosino Casino Bonuses

Welcome bonus

Explosino welcomes you with a 100% bonus, with earnings of up to 500 EUR and amazing free spins. Don't miss out! Just follow a few general rules and learn about the various welcome bonuses.

Welcome bonus - sports

ExplosinoSport welcomes you with 100% bonuses, available for those who deposit for the first time in sports. The deposit must be at least 10 EUR, the bonus is up to 50 EUR. Please note that this bonus is received on a separate account and cannot be used for casino games.

Ultra Mode

If you activate an Ultra Mode, you can participate in all available promotional activities. This way you get more profit with a lower number of bets. What are you waiting for? Explosino offers the highest percentages, with x30 bets. You only have to send to the live chat the ULTRA code - (prefix). The maximum bonus amount is 1000 EUR.

Reactive weekdays

Explosino activates a daily bonus reactor that grows and grows. All this to reach up to 70% bonuses. All bonuses have specific rules.
Make the most of every day. With this incredible bonus you can win up to three times the amount earned.

Explosino Weekends

Here we have the opportunity to have up to 40% and 40 turns. Take advantage of your weekend and do explosive increases!

Starfall Bonus

Available at night, from 00:00 to 04:00 from Monday to Friday. It offers a 20% to 50% bonus. To activate it you must write in the live chat. You can withdraw up to 1000 EUR.

Weekly refund

You can enjoy up to 15% bonuses on Mondays and maintain a balance on your account.

Loyalty Reward

Being rewarded when playing slots is really satisfying, your loyalty will be converted into points and then into good bonuses. Hurry up and get your expoints!
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Explosino Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

Explosino has very reliable payment methods, such as Visa, Electronic Life, Skill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, Trustpay. The withdrawal limit per month is 9000 EUR. The casino accepts the following currencies: EUR, PTN, SEK, RUB.

Explosino Casino Games

Get to enjoy over 2000 games with different themes and colors. Among them, there are craps, scratch games, classic and video slots, poker, live dealer games, baccarat, roulette and black jack. Also, among the most recommended games, there are Madame Destiny, Ecuador Golf, Snail Race, They Wild Chase, Explosive Skeleton 2, Carnival QUEEN, Vault of Anubis, Big Bad Wolf, Reactoonz, and more.
Entertainment never fails in Explosino. In addition to the incredibly wide game menu, the casino offers an online casino section in real time! It is really exciting!

Explosino Casino Customer Service

Explosino offers its support through live chat or by writing to the following email addresses:
The attention provided by the casino is reciprocal, friendly and efficient. They work to solve any problem and concern 24 hours a day, always looking for its user's comfort.

Why to choose Explosino Casino

Online casino trends are becoming more and more varied. Entertainment and betting can't be missing, that's why Explosino offers a high range of games and bonuses. In addition, it has very reliable payment methods and a unique and original theme. It covers excellent customer service and guaranteed solutions. Without a doubt, the experience in this place has been satisfactory.
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